Management Team

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CEO and group management team

The CEO is responsible for managing Boreo’s operations in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act, and the instructions and orders issued by the Company’s Board of Directors. The group CEO is elected and can be fired by the Board of Directors. The CEO prepares the issues to be discussed by the Board and implements the Board’s decisions. The CEO is responsible for Group administration in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors and for company reporting and accounting to comply with the applicable legislation and the reliable arrangement of company finances.

Boreo Plc has a Management Team, the Chairman of which is the Group CEO. The Management Team is responsible for Group and business development, as well as operating activities in accordance with the objectives set by the Board of Directors and the CEO. The Management Team focuses on the Group's and businesses’ strategic issues, defines operating principles and procedures, and meets regularly to deal with issues and reports related to financial development, monitoring subsidiaries' business plans, administration, personnel and development projects. The Management Team convenes at least nine times per year.

Introductions of the Management Team members


Kari Nerg


Gender: Male
Born: 1984
Education: Master’s in Agriculture and Forestry, CEFA
CEO since May 4, 2020

Primary work experience: Mutares SE & Co. KGaA director responsible for Nordic and UK operations (2017 to 2020), Häggblom & Partners Oy chief operating officer (2010-2017) and Manager (2010-2013)

Primary positions of trust: Junnikkala Oy, member of the board since 2018

Jesse Petäjä


Gender: Male
Born: 1991
Education: M.Sc. Econ.
Member of group executive management team since March 15, 2022

Primary work experience: Boreo Plc, SVP M&A (2021-) and Head of Technical Trade (2023-2024), Mutares SE & Co.
KGaA's investment manager in Nordic operations (2019- 2020), CEO of Petäjä Group (2018-2019), Investment
Banking Analyst at Citigroup (2017-2018)

Mari Katara

SVP, People & Sustainability

Gender: Female
Born: 1984
Education: M.Sc. econ.
Member of group executive management since October 26, 2020

Primary work experience: Boreo Plc, SVP, Group HR (2020–2023), Head of HR and Member of Management Team in Pohjola Sairaala Oy and OP-Henkivakuutus Oy of OP Financial Group (2018-2020), HR Manager at LänsiAuto Group and Member of the Management Team (2013-2018)


Richard Karlsson

SVP, Head of TTBA

Gender: Male
Born: 1975
Education: Lieutenant (retired)
Member of group executive management team since January 5, 2021

Primary work experience: CEO of PM Nordic AB since 2008 and CEO of Elephant Group AB since 2007.


Tomi Sundberg

SVP, Head of Electronics

Gender: Male
Born: 1983
Education: M.Sc. econ.
Member of group executive management since October 18, 2021

Primary work experience: CEO at Storent Oy (2018-2021), Director for New Business Development and Innovations for Cramo Group (2016-2018), Head of business support
and development for Cramo AG (2013-2016)

Insider holdings

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